
64 Bars by Red Bull Featuring Blxckie and Others

Mzansi embraces “150 Bars” from Big Zulu before taking a step back and devouring “64 Bars” from Red Bull. Putting that joke aside, you would soon discover that the Red orbit had some endearing qualities.

Red Bull has always supported South African music, so the current venture is not unexpected. One can still remember the collaboration that produced “Lift As You Rise” with Nasty C and his Tall Racks Records.

Sure, that time has past. Red Bull, however, is still actively promoting Mzansi music as we know it. Therefore, the most recent experiment with “64 Bars” is enjoyable to hear.

Global initiative The Red Bull 64 Bars has berthed in South Africa. It will serve as a platform for a number of well-known South African hip-hop artists who would spill their bars in the spirit of the effort.

Mzansi rap star Blxckie has already been made public as a recording for the program. To help individuals who might not be able to follow the sound, the platform also posted the song’s lyrics on its website.

Other musicians will also spit their bars in the following days, following the same custom. 74 ars is a lot, after all.

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